Saturday, February 6, 2010

Conversion Optimization

Conversion Optimization (or Conversion Rate Optimization) is the science and art of getting a higher percentage of your web visitors to take action by becoming a lead or customer. It is a science because one cannot simply “guess and hope” which changes to the web pages would achieve a higher conversion rate. Hence, it calls for testing valid hypotheses, running controlled tests, and evaluating results. It is an art because it incorporates the aesthetics understanding also. A statistician or engineer alone cannot create the visuals and messaging that engage the web visitors. It mandates an organic and structured process which incorporates the learning from thousands of test results.

After the initial electric buzz of social media, companies are constantly asking for ROI(Return on Investment)? They argue that "What's the use of getting a ton of traffic to your site, if it doesn't impact our bottom line? That's where Conversion Optimization fits the bill.

Any online marketeer would agree with me that marketing response rates fluctuate widely from hour to hour, segment to segment and offer to offer.This phenomenon can be traced to the inability of humans to separate chance events from real effects. Moreover, drawing conclusions from a small sample of data - which inevitably has spurious patterns - is tantamount to some very poor decisions. Hence lot of companies extensively track click streams and use statistical methodologies to mitigate the urge to see patterns where none exists. These methodologies, or “conversion optimization” methods, are then taken a step further to run in a real-time environment. The real-time data collection and subsequent messaging as a result, increases the scale and effectiveness of the online campaign. Few good Conversion Optimization companies are listed below.

WiderFunnel’s Kaizen Method for Conversion Optimization

The Kaizen Method ensures that the Testing, Web Analytics and Website Design services work together to achieve client's business objectives. “Kaizen” means “continuous improvement” – and that’s what the client gets. As a starting point, this method analyze web analytics data, business goals, marketing research, competition, technical environment and demand-generation campaigns. The resulting Kaizen Plan identifies and prioritizes all conversion optimization experiment and web analytics opportunities to maximize the conversion rate improvement.

Invesp's Pii

Invesp believes that 14.56% conversion rate is possible and they have done it consistently over a period of time.

Key Points to note about Pii
  • E-commerce websites report an average conversion rate of 2.2% according to
  • Top 10 converting e-commerce sites report an average conversion rate of 12%
  • Conversion rate optimization can provide up to 1/3 increase in profit
  • Invesp's clients report an average conversion rate of 14.56% in 2007
  • Invesp's clients report an average conversion rate of 9.8% in 2008
Few more resources you can read -

SearchEngine Guide

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life of Pi

I am sanguine that you all must have read the book by Yann Martel – Life of PI. Though a wonderful book by itself, today’s write-up is about a somewhat eponymous e-book reader named Pi, which has been launched by – India’s premier shopping portal. This is an indigenous effort in supplanting its more expensive cousin – Amazon’s Kindle. As an Indian we definitely need to be proud of this feat, because the ideation, development and execution have all been done from scratch by Infibeam.

Delving on the technical details is not the reason why I wanted to write this article. However, some technical specifications are required to set the ground for a more strategic discourse. Infibeam Pi is small, sleek, and lightweight with 10 mm thickness and a weight of just 180 gm. With the 6" E Ink (R) display, reading an e-Book on Pi, gives the reader an experience akin to the one while reading a paper book. The 8-level gray scale with no backlit display provides a glare-free reading experience everywhere. The device can store up to 500 standard ebooks in its internal memory of 512MB and also has a SD card memory expansion slot that supports cards up to 4GB.

As any other product, adoption of Pi would follow the same Bell shaped “Product Life Cycle” curve, however, I feel it would be an eventual hit because of the following reasons( I could think of many reasons but these are, in my opinion the most important ones)

  • It is an additional channel for content delivery - For long, the content creators and deliverers including the portals were looking for an additional content channel beyond websites and mobile. Pi’s coming of age should be a welcome respite to their long yearning search. To answer the question - why would content creators be interested in Pi? – I could argue that Pi being a mobile (you can carry it along) device could incorporate technological inventions in order to push location based and contextual advertisements to the e-book readers. Few years down the line Pi bundled with technological advances such as “Location Based Tracking” and “Augmented Reality” would be a force to reckon with and could completely change the way how content is delivered.
  • It would abet vernacular adoption ­­­in India - Internet users generally preferring to read in local language has gone up from 59% in 2007 to 72% in the year 2008 – this was the message that came out loud and clear from a survey done by JuxtConsult couple of years back. Taking a cue from this survey, Infibeam is working towards a future where newspapers, magazines, books from local publishers, digital content in regional languages, textbooks and educational material would be available on Pi. With vernacular adoption being the recent trend in India, I believe, Pi would unlock the market, if not now but definitely in the near future. This is not to say that I am not aware of the challenges of vernacular adoption. However, challenges such as “Limited PC penetration in the country” and “Non Standardization” could easily be taken care of by the introduction of Pi.
  • It is a multipurpose vehicle - Apart from the mundane yet mandatory features to boast about which includes readability, low cost, lightweight and local language support, Pi provides a way to listen to music while reading. Anyone who frequents ‘Borders’ or ‘Barnes and Noble’ would agree with me that coffee and bookstore go hand in hand. Likewise, Pi would provide a convergence platform in which music and book would be inseparable providing a more engaged experience for the reader. I can foresee a lot of prospective collaboration happening between e-book publishers and music companies in the years to come. Is “Tips and Chetan Bhagat” listening?
  • It would change the book publishing game - It is a known fact that authors make the least money despite toiling hard for their books. Publishers, on the other hand make the most. However, Social media and Social influence marketing is forcing these publishers to rethink their value chain and their position as B2B companies. I feel, the introduction of Pi would act as a disruptive innovation circumventing the problems besetting this domain.

With the poor digital infrastructure compounded by the postponement of 3G auction, Pi would have an initial lukewarm response. However, as the ecosystem - digital infrastructure, author-publisher nexus, customer awareness - would evolve, the consumers would then realize the benefits of Pi thereby pitch forking its adoption process as a reinforcing loop. I believe “Pi” would curve its own niche in the year 2011.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

An insightful survey for your next business move

This is an interesting survey I did during my internship. You can download the survey results from here. The survey results would provide a lot of strategic inputs to the small etailers as well as to the traditional brick and mortar firms.

The participating companies are listed adjacent to this paragraph. I interviewed the decision makers (CXO level) from many online retailing companies as well as traditional retailers.

The rationale for interviewing brick and mortar retailers was to understand their frugal presence online. In their answers lie a huge business opportunity for the online retailers - big and small. If you could read between the lines, you would understand what I mean.

This survey also would guide the novice upstarts in figuring out where the next business opportunity lie and would help pave ways in understanding how to co-create with competitors to build a ecosystem which would be profitable to all the players in the value chain - sourcers, fulfillment personnel, suppliers, distributors, warehouse owners, logistic providers and after sales support service providers.

Internet Retail Vision 2010 - A new beginning

Wirefoot India Technology (PVT) Limited hosted a day long event on Internet Retail, the Internet Retail Vision 2010 on the 28th of January 2010 at The Grand, New Delhi. The event focused on exploring the current Internet Retail scenario of India, its potential and the way ahead to explore this potential in a manner positive to the retail industry.The underlying theme was to help core retailers appreciate the benefits of Internet Retailing and address their concerns and issues. I wrote this article for the seminar, which eventually was a grand success. Click here to watch the webcast of the seminar.

Augmented Reality is not a fad anymore

Any experience that enhances the reality is augmented reality. It is a concept/device/protocol that enriches one's viewing experience. In the realm of online shopping - and specially for high involved purchase or purchases which evokes "touch-feel-try" response - augmented reality could play a very important role and can be undoubtedly charted as the future of online shopping.

To start with lets understand what is AR? Wikipedia says: “Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer research which deals with the combination of real-world and computer-generated data (virtual reality), where computer graphics objects are blended into real footage in real time.” Here is a short video explaining its evolution.

A lot have been speculated about AR, however, I believe it will be part of mainstream online retailing application this year.

What is Layar?

Layar is a free application on your mobile phone which shows what is around you by displaying real time digital information on top of reality through the camera of your mobile phone.

Layar is an enabler. It enables content partners to offer (branded) Augmented Reality experiences. It also offers an easy interface to discover and use these Augmented Reality services. Layar, which is the first AR browser, combines GPS, camera, and compass to identify your surroundings and overlay information on screen, in real time. It runs on IPhone and Android.

Not only that, Layar is an example of markerless AR. This is a more advanced form than web cam based marker AR, which, for example, is used by the US Post Office. Markerless means that it just works and you don’t need a black and white marker in front of the camera view. To see a demo of Layar, please visit here

Uses for online retailing :

AR is not a technological brilliance without any real world application. Zugara, an interactive marketing agency, has built something a bit more practical for the time being. It’s put together the Webcam Social Shopper, offering a way to help you try on clothes online from the comfort of your bedroom.

At least, it lets you overlay a static image on top of your body and pretend you’re wearing it. Which is sort of a start!!!

From a technological standpoint, the application is pretty cool. While other similar clothing applications require you to upload a static image of yourself, the Zugara app uses your web cam, detecting where you’re standing in a room and adjusting the position of the overlain clothing appropriately. Even better: instead of having to return to your keyboard and mouse to try on a new outfit, you can simply move your arms above your head to navigate through the various clothing options. To see a demo please visit my blog entry

What is Holition?
  • It is a revolutionary Augmented Reality tool for online shopping. Holition gives you the ability to demonstrate virtual products directly onto target audiences either online, at events or in-store.
  • For the first time ever, virtually try on a product in real time which does not exist.
  • Holition is an easy to use, live and interactive marketing solution.
  • Designed to complement existing multi channel marketing solutions; and stand out from the rest.
Ace Jewelers Group is the first online jeweler in the world in which people can try on jewels virtually via their website using Holition.

Though AR is used extensively by the small retailers in the US, for India, it is yet to come of age. I hope the examples I collated gave an overview of the game changing reality of AR. I sincerely believe that, given the complex market ecology of India, it would open up innovative avenues of its own use thereby helping in the evolution and adoption process. For more information please check Darpan Munjal's blog.