Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Augmented Reality is not a fad anymore

Any experience that enhances the reality is augmented reality. It is a concept/device/protocol that enriches one's viewing experience. In the realm of online shopping - and specially for high involved purchase or purchases which evokes "touch-feel-try" response - augmented reality could play a very important role and can be undoubtedly charted as the future of online shopping.

To start with lets understand what is AR? Wikipedia says: “Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer research which deals with the combination of real-world and computer-generated data (virtual reality), where computer graphics objects are blended into real footage in real time.” Here is a short video explaining its evolution.

A lot have been speculated about AR, however, I believe it will be part of mainstream online retailing application this year.

What is Layar?

Layar is a free application on your mobile phone which shows what is around you by displaying real time digital information on top of reality through the camera of your mobile phone.

Layar is an enabler. It enables content partners to offer (branded) Augmented Reality experiences. It also offers an easy interface to discover and use these Augmented Reality services. Layar, which is the first AR browser, combines GPS, camera, and compass to identify your surroundings and overlay information on screen, in real time. It runs on IPhone and Android.

Not only that, Layar is an example of markerless AR. This is a more advanced form than web cam based marker AR, which, for example, is used by the US Post Office. Markerless means that it just works and you don’t need a black and white marker in front of the camera view. To see a demo of Layar, please visit here

Uses for online retailing :

AR is not a technological brilliance without any real world application. Zugara, an interactive marketing agency, has built something a bit more practical for the time being. It’s put together the Webcam Social Shopper, offering a way to help you try on clothes online from the comfort of your bedroom.

At least, it lets you overlay a static image on top of your body and pretend you’re wearing it. Which is sort of a start!!!

From a technological standpoint, the application is pretty cool. While other similar clothing applications require you to upload a static image of yourself, the Zugara app uses your web cam, detecting where you’re standing in a room and adjusting the position of the overlain clothing appropriately. Even better: instead of having to return to your keyboard and mouse to try on a new outfit, you can simply move your arms above your head to navigate through the various clothing options. To see a demo please visit my blog entry

What is Holition?
  • It is a revolutionary Augmented Reality tool for online shopping. Holition gives you the ability to demonstrate virtual products directly onto target audiences either online, at events or in-store.
  • For the first time ever, virtually try on a product in real time which does not exist.
  • Holition is an easy to use, live and interactive marketing solution.
  • Designed to complement existing multi channel marketing solutions; and stand out from the rest.
Ace Jewelers Group is the first online jeweler in the world in which people can try on jewels virtually via their website using Holition.

Though AR is used extensively by the small retailers in the US, for India, it is yet to come of age. I hope the examples I collated gave an overview of the game changing reality of AR. I sincerely believe that, given the complex market ecology of India, it would open up innovative avenues of its own use thereby helping in the evolution and adoption process. For more information please check Darpan Munjal's blog.

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